What if we cooked in virtual reality? Much funnier, much more interactive, much less expensive and just as good? On the occasion of the Laval Virtual show, three companies joined forces to create the VR application called "My Lactel pancakes". Indeed, Eon Reality, Atlantic Health (two companies Mayennaise) and Lactel wish to democratize the art of cooking and show you how to make pancakes in virtual reality. Fun, is not it?
Intended for all curious people to immerse themselves in a virtual environment, the fun and educational interface was designed to facilitate the user's journey, step by step, from the search for ingredients to the disposal of a user. garnish. The participants are thus brought to prepare pancakes in a virtual kitchen: a recipe very much appreciated by the French and in which milk is a major ingredient.
A marketing experience first and foremost to make more fun an activity that might seem common, even banal. The application is indeed fun and has attracted a wider audience at the Lactel booth at the 19th edition of the Laval Virtual show, dedicated to virtual reality.
Virtual Reality offers opportunities and Lactel saw it as a chance to opt for an innovative mode of communication for an industry that is not really hyped and sometimes has trouble when it comes to marketing and communication. A first step towards VR for this industrial giant. One could imagine other ramifications of this technology.
For example it might be possible to visit dairy farms, or even to milk a cow! Or one could also visit the Lactel factories, observe chemical molecules to see how the heating processes at Utlra High Temperature are going. These are only examples, we would like to see happen on the market of virtual reality of course!
Marketing via VR is an inexpensive process that can reach an audience that is not at first interested in the product but rather a virtual reality experience. An easier consumer approach ... and increasing sales? VR is still a young technology and there is a lack of data to know if these operations are profitable. What we do know, however, is that more and more companies are choosing to adopt it.
Laval Virtual, the largest show dedicated to virtual reality
A real eye-catcher at the Parisian salons, the crazy bet of this show, born in 1999, brought together innovative players in virtual reality and created an important meeting outside the capital, in the heart of Mayenne. While the helmets are about to debouch at the general public, the organizers were eager to propose new experiences.
The surprise is certainly not at the heart of the event, but this technology should soon penetrate many sectors. "We are no longer in the wooh effect, but what we can see on the stands are much better finished projects, more successful. Everything is better, more fluid, immersive and natural. We always have this step ahead "says Guy Le Bras, vice president of the show.
With more than 170 exhibitors from 40 countries, virtual reality is inevitably mixed with augmented reality. In addition to the many presentations of the headphones, the Laval Virtual show also presented the application of these technologies in different industries, here are some examples described below. Check out the trailer for the 2017 edition below, and check out the
Vizuality Studio: Virtual reality ... while getting up from his chair
Here is a stand that took up space! Vizuality Studio is a British brand that intends to use virtual reality without leaving you in a chair. The system consists of moving in a large space (up to 15 square meters) equipped with 16 Vicon type cameras. Thanks to a proprietary and wireless headset, the customer can move in both real and virtual space.
A technology that could be used by large real estate agencies to visit apartments or houses around the world. Kitchen vendors could also use it to show more "take-away" models and save space in their stores.
But that's not all, architects can also use the Vizuality Studio to penetrate their creations. The firm also sees it as a good way to experience a more immersive video game experience, like the future of the haunted house. Their system requires a large investment (about 120000 €), but can also be rented.Holodia: Sports and dreams
Sports halls are constantly growing in France, so you have to stand out. Holodia is a start-up from Strasbourg who wants to add a little escape to your long cardio sessions. Helmet on the head, your rowing session turns into a beautiful canoe ride. But you can also choose to walk in a canyon or in an ancient Babylonian city. In total, 8 environments are proposed. Only the rower is available today, but the leaders are already thinking of other projects like an elliptical trainer. The principle works pretty well, although the helmet would benefit from being more ventilated.
HRV: For future medical experts
HRV specializes in health and industry. The products it offers allow apprentices and students to improve their technique in different areas. For example, it was possible to use a 3D screen and a haptic feedback device to simulate an intervention in dentistry (named VirTeasy Dental). A very interesting experience since their device is able to perfectly imitate the different aspects of a subject. Drill too far into the enamel, and you will quickly feel the dentine or worse, the pulp! This system is also available for the practice of gestures in bone surgery.
The company also specializes in biomechanics and provides interesting (and impressive!) Solutions to trainee obstetricians. There is a real future for the training of young medical experts.
Virtualis: Virtual reality for therapeutic purposes
Virtualis is a start-up that has decided to use virtual reality headsets to treat the ailments related to the inner ear. Thus, the software can treat motion sickness, acrophobia, motion sickness, dizziness and any kind of balance disorder. Whether it's an elevator drop or a raging sea, Virtualis manages to recreate the conditions that cause the crisis, and can ultimately help improve the condition of the people involved. Fifty institutions in ENT medicine and re-educational physiotherapy have already trusted them.
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